The 2022 Population and Housing Census Report (Version 2.7) is now available..
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Annual Gross Domestic Product (AGDP) Deflators 2006 to 2020

Reference Period Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Crops Bananas Other Crops Livestock Forestry Fishing Mining & Quarrying Manufacturing Electricity Water Construction Wholesale & Retail Trade Accommodation and Food Services Accommodation Food and Beverage Services Transport and Storage Road Transport Sea Transport Air Transport Supporting and Auxiliary Transport Activities Postal Services Courier Services Communication and Information Services Publishing Audio-Visual Telecommunications Computing and Information Financial Services Financial Intermediation Insurance Real Estate Activities Professional, Technical & Scientific Services Renting of Machinery and Equipment Travel Agents & Tour Operators Other Administrative & Support Services Public Administration, Defence & Compulsory Social Security Education Public Private Health and Social Work Public Private Arts, Entertainment & Recreation Other Services Activities Domestic Services GVA in Basic Prices
2006 119.2 111.0 118.1 249.4 131.7 99.5 145.3 420.9 115.5 81.9 35.2 135.0 52.2 47.0 42.6 96.1 68.1 64.3 170.9 21.1 68.4 127.2 54.5 144.6 92.3 84.6 150.7 85.0 79.6 81.4 102.7 77.3 76.4 778.2 160.3 69.1 73.1 80.8 81.6 76.6 90.3 71.3 120.1 84.5 84.6 42.6 76.2
2007 119.5 111.7 115.8 183.4 143.4 92.3 143.5 277.6 129.2 83.4 35.3 129.6 56.0 53.8 50.9 96.8 72.4 64.3 176.5 26.5 79.7 129.1 56.1 146.8 93.7 85.2 154.8 85.2 76.0 78.8 104.1 77.7 121.8 782.6 168.7 70.7 68.7 82.6 84.1 75.0 84.3 66.4 113.4 85.2 85.2 45.1 78.7
2008 129.4 125.4 148.8 126.9 151.3 94.3 136.4 325.9 113.3 84.1 37.4 96.3 60.1 52.2 48.1 104.1 69.9 65.1 172.7 33.0 70.2 129.2 69.9 144.8 95.3 89.6 151.1 90.9 73.7 75.4 107.6 78.7 146.6 897.6 130.5 74.9 83.8 83.8 86.3 72.2 86.0 65.3 121.3 89.9 89.9 49.7 79.0
2009 132.1 131.6 160.2 129.3 157.6 96.2 125.0 363.7 102.8 90.7 50.9 101.6 56.9 55.5 51.4 111.2 72.7 65.3 150.8 31.2 82.3 132.0 87.0 143.0 97.1 91.8 149.2 91.5 67.7 69.3 89.5 77.2 127.7 885.4 115.5 81.5 85.9 89.2 92.7 73.5 87.7 66.8 123.2 91.5 91.4 59.5 78.4
2010 136.9 144.5 189.1 154.1 157.1 98.2 118.2 307.5 100.4 89.6 29.8 96.6 62.7 68.9 66.5 108.0 81.8 83.1 153.5 31.5 77.3 138.6 86.0 123.2 98.7 93.3 125.7 93.8 67.0 64.3 107.5 84.6 117.9 894.2 126.1 81.2 90.8 95.1 95.9 91.9 94.2 78.9 118.5 93.2 93.1 58.0 83.7
2011 129.6 137.0 189.9 132.4 161.2 91.5 111.2 298.9 108.7 88.5 20.5 96.3 71.2 74.2 72.6 107.5 92.6 91.7 147.3 72.1 89.1 138.0 92.2 129.3 100.3 92.3 132.8 93.4 66.6 62.8 117.1 83.4 127.0 925.0 134.9 82.0 88.6 96.8 96.9 96.6 97.2 84.2 117.9 92.4 92.2 52.5 87.6
2012 112.9 108.4 105.9 122.0 173.2 93.2 110.3 163.3 102.1 94.2 22.6 96.0 78.7 76.8 74.6 108.7 85.4 89.7 145.2 78.2 71.6 136.0 96.7 113.3 101.7 93.6 115.9 93.9 69.3 64.4 120.2 83.6 118.1 934.9 143.1 84.1 91.3 96.6 97.8 91.8 97.3 84.5 117.5 93.5 93.5 56.9 88.4
2013 125.0 121.7 135.4 112.7 183.9 95.0 118.0 166.4 87.2 94.3 73.3 96.7 85.7 86.3 85.2 110.0 94.2 97.7 145.7 86.2 81.0 140.3 95.4 102.6 102.6 97.8 103.3 98.0 73.8 67.7 122.2 81.6 101.7 892.3 139.5 90.8 101.6 93.2 93.9 90.6 102.2 91.2 118.0 98.0 97.9 83.5 91.5
2014 121.8 120.8 120.4 112.4 185.2 96.7 105.2 189.1 88.6 95.1 87.4 95.8 92.6 91.6 90.7 101.5 86.8 90.8 125.4 91.7 74.2 137.7 108.4 102.6 104.0 96.4 102.7 97.2 81.4 72.6 129.4 83.6 100.0 913.8 153.4 88.7 95.2 98.2 99.3 93.5 99.0 89.8 112.9 96.2 96.2 89.2 94.4
2015 119.4 115.4 116.5 107.4 190.5 98.4 106.7 184.6 94.5 95.8 94.5 96.4 93.4 99.3 98.8 105.6 84.9 89.0 109.5 96.0 72.9 134.9 95.7 83.9 105.4 96.9 82.0 97.9 85.2 79.8 104.2 90.2 108.5 865.4 136.4 88.2 96.7 95.0 94.2 99.3 97.0 91.8 104.7 96.9 96.9 94.5 95.4
2016 115.8 110.2 125.6 102.6 183.6 100.3 108.9 169.7 95.8 100.4 107.8 95.6 98.5 97.4 96.2 111.6 101.6 103.6 97.6 97.9 97.8 139.0 95.4 97.5 106.9 97.5 97.1 97.1 84.0 81.8 98.9 87.5 96.6 801.9 126.0 87.6 96.7 100.6 100.9 99.2 95.1 91.1 101.7 97.4 98.5 100.0 96.4
2017 100.7 104.4 108.7 102.0 99.2 100.1 90.2 152.3 99.8 102.9 107.8 98.4 96.5 104.6 103.8 114.1 110.9 117.5 99.6 99.6 99.3 139.0 99.2 114.7 99.8 99.1 116.8 98.7 92.6 91.2 101.9 92.9 99.4 362.9 117.6 90.5 94.4 101.3 101.8 99.1 96.2 92.5 102.0 99.1 100.0 100.0 100.2
2018 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2019 116.8 104.6 114.6 100.0 101.0 100.0 171.5 163.4 106.2 92.0 104.9 100.1 103.1 108.0 109.0 95.4 95.9 92.3 106.2 107.4 100.0 100.5 102.4 78.8 103.0 100.2 76.8 100.2 101.7 101.8 101.4 97.6 100.2 107.1 142.8 102.1 97.9 98.3 98.1 99.4 99.6 97.4 103.0 100.2 100.2 100.0 101.8
2020 104.6 103.8 117.1 97.1 98.9 99.4 111.1 135.8 104.1 69.4 96.4 104.3 97.7 109.4 109.3 110.6 88.7 83.2 98.8 93.8 99.4 101.2 92.9 74.0 101.6 99.1 72.2 98.9 96.1 95.6 99.7 94.4 98.9 105.0 135.0 100.6 95.5 96.9 96.2 101.7 99.7 94.8 107.6 98.8 99.8 100.0 96.6
Source: Central Statistical Office 2021
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