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Air Traffic - Aircraft Movements, 1982 To 1984

George Charles Hewanorra Total
Aircraft Movements 1982 1983 1984 1982 1983 1984 1982 1983 1984
International Scheduled Service:
Landings 3,551 4,628 5,571 630 1,049 1,461 4,181 5,677 7,032
Takeoffs 3,551 4,627 5,571 629 1,049 1,462 4,180 5,676 7,033
International Non-scheduled:
Landings 2,393 2,692 2,506 86 207 669 1,479 2,899 3,175
Takeoffs 2,393 2,692 2,506 86 207 669 1,478 2,899 3,174
Domestic scheduled and Non-Scheduled Service:
Landings 0 0 755 308 1,119 1,226 308 1,119 1,981
Takeoffs 0 0 755 308 1,119 1,225 308 1,119 1,980
All freight mail services:
Landings 57 79 65 62 111 45 119 190 110
Takeoffs 57 79 66 61 111 45 118 190 111
All other aircraft movements’ services:
Landings 1,079 864 1,225 392 480 361 1,471 1,344 1,586
Takeoffs 1,079 863 1,125 391 480 361 1,469 1,343 1,586
Source: Department of Civil Aviation
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