The 2022 Population and Housing Census Report (Version 2.7) is now available..
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Air Traffic - Aircraft Movements, 1985 To 1988

Aircraft Movements George Charles Airport Hewanorra Total
1985 1986 1987 1988 1985 1986 1987 1988 1985 1986 1987 1988
International scheduled services:
Landings 6,386 6,096 5,070 5,694 1,373 2,068 2,112 3,214 7,759 8,164 7,182 8,908
International non-scheduled services:
Landings 2,770 2,600 2,192 1,910 661 975 916 1,312 3,431 3,575 3,108 3,108
Domestic scheduled and non-scheduled service:
Landings 493 859 649 377 607 909 552 516 1,100 1,768 1,201 1,201
All freight mail ssrvices:
Landings 80 59 61 52 146 180 112 26 226 239 173 173
All other aircraft movements services:
Landings 1,101 1,054 757 1,120 416 236 142 207 1,517 1,290 899 899
Source: St. Lucia Air & Sea Ports Authority
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