The 2022 Population and Housing Census Report (Version 2.7) is now available..
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National Insurance Corporation, Contribution Income by Industrial Classification, 1994/1995 to 2004/2005

Economic Sector 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05
Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and Fishing 1,908,936 1,947,702 1,746,675 1,508,922 1,294,544 1,523,893 1,126,721 924,505 983,207 1,021,627 1,148,321
Mining and Quarrying 77,422 64,768 87,616 92,031 122,891 129,434 101,346 113,946 126,972 123,911 176,074
Manufacturing 3,514,018 3,676,549 3,540,399 3,561,741 4,021,337 3,831,764 3,769,917 3,723,001 3,673,109 3,943,022 4,153,284
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 1,385,950 944,240 1,244,877 1,605,883 1,823,074 1,650,080 1,810,423 2,075,997 2,542,097 2,367,818 2,375,384
Construction 1,802,195 1,935,157 2,063,108 1,350,019 2,101,417 3,645,561 2,030,326 1,966,922 1,917,071 2,293,577 3,251,056
Wholesale and Retail Trade 4,653,430 5,027,540 5,296,430 5,621,054 6,629,222 7,211,249 7,258,628 7,163,232 7,500,882 7,629,967 8,899,472
Restaurants and Hotels 7,070,412 8,574,866 8,362,154 7,859,204 8,566,617 9,444,719 12,061,960 10,608,647 11,063,479 12,182,250 12,782,289
Transport, Storage and Communication 2,331,021 3,011,267 3,012,945 3,030,519 3,124,405 3,374,205 3,874,625 3,823,338 3,806,476 4,165,622 4,644,799
Financial Intermediations 2,793,650 3,112,471 3,383,186 3,445,476 3,781,286 3,749,058 4,065,425 4,488,819 4,752,111 4,950,685 5,578,208
Real-estate/Renting/Business Services 2,464,086 2,568,181 2,766,668 2,992,606 3,393,898 3,709,908 4,152,868 4,022,392 4,191,537 4,088,865 4,852,013
Public Administration and Defense, Compulsory Social Security, Education, Health and Social Work 5,589,194 5,950,988 5,802,521 5,243,510 7,849,684 6,810,379 7,751,182 7,614,044 7,330,720 8,889,062 11,003,648
Community, Social/Personal Services, Households with employed persons and Extra-territorial organization and bodies 1,733,124 1,707,344 1,754,414 1,776,395 2,103,145 2,615,199 2,904,025 2,898,633 3,067,266 3,321,951 3,613,779
Activities not adequately defined 120,048 118,354 171,825 196,947 337,609 507,085 638,270 1,132,145 1,006,568 1,280,673 96,815
Total 35,443,486 38,639,427 39,232,818 38,284,307 45,149,129 48,193,534 306,998,156 610,373,152 1,218,744,636 56,259,031 62,575,143
Source: National Insurance Corporation
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